Grade 5

On Thursday the 12 th of March the year 5 and 6 students had a visit from the St John Ambulance team. Students in 5A were very excited to be a part of this presentation and were keen to expand their understanding of first aid. The focus was anaphylaxis and what to do in case of an emergency at school. Students had the opportunity to practise using the epi-pens and learned a lot.

Grade 6

2020 Year six students were very fortunate to have had the opportunity to attend school camp at Camp Manyung, Mt Eliza before the outbreak of this unfortunate epidemic.

Students were able to experience a variety of challenging and fun activities. They were also able to develop social and emotional skills. Overall, students had a fantastic time and happy to have had this opportunity.


This term, students in years 1-4 have learnt all about printmaking! Its been a very creative (and messy) term! Students enjoyed the sensory and hands in experiences. We look forward to more fun next term.

Over the holidays, I encourage students to have a go at some of the printmaking at home, with store bought paint, paper, and maybe some foil.

Have fun!
Mrs. Nazan Zengin
Visual Arts Teacher